Kickstart Football Club, a renowned name in the Indian football arena, recently marked a momentous achievement by inaugurating their second football facility. Situated in the scenic locale of Kannuru, off Hennur Road, the Kickstart Football Arena is an impressive addition to the sporting landscape of Bengaluru. This state-of-the-art facility encompasses an 11-a-side football field, a 9-a-side football ground complete with floodlights, accommodations for more than 80 academy players, a trendy cafe, a spacious dining area, and seating capacity for up to 800 spectators. It’s a game-changer for football enthusiasts and aspiring players alike.
The grand opening ceremony was a star-studded affair, graced by dignitaries, Kickstart FC board members, former Bengaluru players, parents, current Kickstart Academy players, and senior football luminaries. The event commenced with a heartfelt prayer led by the students of Jeevodaya School, under the guidance of Father Gerrard. It was a poignant moment that set the tone for the day’s festivities.
Shekar Rajan, the Founder and Chairman of Kickstart FC, couldn’t hide his joy during the ceremony. He expressed his immense delight, emphasizing that the opening of this second facility was the realization of a long-held dream, achieved through unwavering dedication and relentless hard work. His visionary leadership has played a pivotal role in the growth and success of Kickstart Football Club.
Laxman Bhattarai, the Founder and CEO of Kickstart FC, took the stage to underline the significance of the 11-a-side football ground within this new facility. He emphasized its crucial role in nurturing the talents of tomorrow, as it provides an ideal platform for young players to hone their skills and aspire to greatness. Bhattarai’s passion for the sport and his commitment to developing young talent have been instrumental in Kickstart FC’s rise to prominence in the Indian football scene.
During the ceremony, special recognition was given to Kickstart FC’s women’s team, who have clinched the Karnataka Women’s League championship for the fifth consecutive time. Their remarkable achievements underscore the club’s commitment to gender equality in sports and the relentless pursuit of excellence across all levels of the game.
With the inauguration of this impressive facility, Kickstart Football Club is now poised to take its operations to the next level. The club is gearing up to open admissions for their regular academy’s day scholar program, providing aspiring footballers with top-notch training and coaching. Additionally, inquiries for admissions to the residential facility will commence shortly, offering a unique opportunity for young talents to immerse themselves in a football-centric environment and receive expert guidance.
Kickstart Football Club’s new arena is not just a football ground; it’s a hub of dreams and aspirations, where young talents will be nurtured and celebrated. As this state-of-the-art facility opens its doors to the next generation of football stars, it paves the way for a brighter and more promising future for Indian football. Kickstart FC’s unwavering dedication to the sport continues to inspire and elevate the beautiful game to new heights.